Literatur zur Wertanalyse

Wertanalyse Literatur
Diese Zusammenstellung internationaler Wertanalyse-Literatur erhebt keinen Anspruch auf eine auch nur annähernd vollständige Erfassung der erhältlichen Publikationen.




ANDERSSON, Tomas/BERGMANN, Inger/BJÖRK, Olav/ERICSSON, Lars-Gunnar (2006): Value management. skapa värde i projekt, program och projektportföljer. SIS Förlag AB: Stockholm. ISBN: 91-7162-664-6 | ISSN 0347-2019

DELL'ISOLA, Alphonse J. (1982): Value Engineering in the Construction Industry. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc.: New York u.a. ISBN: 0-442-26202-7

EUR (1991,Hg.): Value analysis glossary. Hg.: EUR - Commission of the European Communities; L-2920 Luxembourg; Directorate-General Information Technologies and Industries, and Telecommunications. Innovation series (sprint - European Community programme for innovation and technology transfer). Report: EUR 13774 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN: 92-826-2927-9

EUR (1992/1,Hg.): Survey on training activities in value analysis. Hg.: EUR - Commission of the European Communities; L-2920 Luxembourg; Directorate-General Information Technologies and Industries, and Telecommunications. Innovation series (sprint - European Community programme for innovation and technology transfer). Report: EUR 14325 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN: 92-826-4126-0

EUR (1992/2,Hg.): The European market for value analysis. Hg.: EUR - Commission of the European Communities; L-2920 Luxembourg; Directorate-General Information Technologies and Industries, and Telecommunications. Innovation series (sprint - European Community programme for innovation and technology transfer). Report: EUR 14326 EN. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN: 92-826-4130-9

EUR (1995,Hg.): Value Management. Handbook. Hg.: EC - European Commission. Directorate-General XIII. Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research. EUR 16096 EN: Brussels, Luxemburg. ISBN: 92-826-9534-4

FALLON, Carlos (1986): Value Analysis. Hg.: Miles Value Foundation. 2nd rev.ed.: ISBN: 0-937144-00-2

FASAL, John H. (1972,Hg.): Practical Value Analysis Methods. Hg.: John H. Fasal. Hayden Book Company, Inc.: New York. ISBN: 0-8104-5845-4 | LCCN: 72-89911

FIFIELD, F. (1973): Administrative value analysis. in: IE Industrial Engineering (amerik.). Jg.5, Nr.11: S.24-28

FOWLER, Theodore C. (1990): Value Analysis in Design. Competitive Manufacturing Series. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York. ISBN: 0-442-23710-2 | CIP: 89-27638

GAGE, W. L. (1967): Value Analysis. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited: London u.a.

KELLY, John/MALE, Steven/GRAHAM, Drummond (2004): Value Management of Construction Projects. Blackwell Science Ltd. ISBN: 0-632-05143-4 | ISBN: 978-0-632-05143-4 | LCCN: 2003063026

LINDSTEDT, Per/Burenius, Jan (2003): The Value Model. How to Master Product Development and Create Unrivalled Customer Value. NIMBA AB: Schweden. ISBN: 91-630-6349-2

MILES, Lawrence D(elos) (1972): Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering. 2.Aufl., McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York u.a.

MILES, Lawrence D(elos) (1989): Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering. Hg.: Eleanor MILES WALKER. 3.Aufl.

O'BRIEN, James J. (1976): Value Analysis in Design and Construction. McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York u.a. ISBN: 0-07-047566-0

PARK, Richard (1999): Value Engineering. A Plan for Invention. St. Lucie Press: Boca Raton u.a. ISBN: 1-57444-235-X | CIP 98-36770

RIDGE, W(arren) J. (1969): Value Analysis for better Management: Kingsport.

SHILLITO, M. Larry/DE MARLE, David J. (1992): Value. Its Measurement, Design, and Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York u.a. ISBN: 0-471-52738-6

SPRINT (1993): Development of complementary elements to Value Analysis methodology for use in improvements in the introduction and implementation of Quality Management Systems, Quality Control and Quality Assurance in SME's. SPRINT PROJECT RA 393. Draft Final Report: Karlsruhe.

STEWART, Robert B. (2005): Fundamentals of Value Methodology. Xlibris Corporation: ISBN: 978-1-4134-9193-7 | ISBN: 978-1-4134-9194-4 | LCCN 2005903045

STEWART, Robert B. (2010): Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN: 978-0-470-55114-1 | LCCN 2009051055

THIRY, Michel (1997): Value Management Practice. Hg.: PMI - Project Management Institute, Inc.: ISBN: 1-880410-14-1 | ISBN: 978-1-880410-14-1 | CIP 97-12912

VENKATARAMANAN, S(ekharipuram) S(ivam) (o.J.): VE Basics in a Nutshell. Material for VA/VE Seminar/Workshop. Hg.: VPL - Venconvave Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi.

YOUNKER, Del L. (2003): Value Engineering. Analysis and Methodology. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, Basel. ISBN: 0-8247-0696-X

ZIMMERMAN, Larry W./HART, Glen D. (1982): Value Engineering. A practical Approach for Owners, Designers and Contractors. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc.: New York u.a. ISBN: 0-442-29587-1


AKIYAMA, Kaneo (1991): Function Analysis. Systematic Improvement of Quality and Performance. Productivity Press, Inc.: Cambridge, Norwalk. ISBN: 0-915299-81-X

BYTHEWAY, Charles W. (2007): FAST [Function Analysis System Technique] Creativity & Innovation. Rapidly Improving Processes, Product Development and Solving Complex Problems. J. Ross Publishing, Inc.: ISBN-10: 1-932159-66-5 | ISBN-13: 978-1-932159-66-0 | LCCN: 2006025683

KAUFMANN, J. Jerry/WOODHEAD, Roy (2006): Stimulating Innovation in Products and Services. With Function Analysis and Mapping. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: ISBN-13: 978-0-471-74060-5 | ISBN-10: 0-471-74060-8 | LCCN: 2005050195

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